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Materi Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 1 "Introduction"

Address = Alamat
Age = Usia
Introduce = Mengenalkan / Memperkenalkan
Live = Tinggal
Name = Nama
Spell = Eja

Introducing Yourself (Memperkenalkan Diri)
I am .... = Saya adalah ....
My name is .... = Nama saya adalah ....
What’s your name? = Siapa namamu?
How old are you? = Berapa usiamu?
Where do you live? = Dimana kamu tinggal?
I live in .... = Saya Tinggal di ....

Kus : Good morning. What’s your name?
Sri : Good morning. I’m Sri. What’s your name?
Kus :I'm Kus.

My name is Dion
I am seven years old
I live in Jalan Rancajigang

Let's sing (Mari bernyanyi)

Let me introduce myself
Let me introduce myself
My name is __________ (say your name)
I like _______ and _______ (say your
favorite e.g: cats and dogs, orange and
grapes, musik and song, etc)

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